Home » Frugivore Recipe: Guacamole and Mango Bowl

Frugivore Recipe: Guacamole and Mango Bowl

This salad bowl is a savory and satiating, mineral-rich raw vegan bowl. Because it is so tasty, folks tend to eat it every day. But do not overdo this cause avocados are not optimal in their fatty acid profile. Also, cabbage can be a bit tasking to digestion, so enjoy this once a week or so…

Note: Find a guide on food groups according to the natural human diet (the frugivore diet) here.

For the Guacamole you need:

  • 3-4 ripe avocados
  • Juice of 1-2 fresh limes
  • 1 small sweet red onion (optional)
  • A handful of fresh herbs cilantro chopped (optional)
  • Dried spicy herbs (optional)
  • 1 small ripe tomato, finely chopped (optional)
  • Salt, to taste
  1. Mash the Avocados: In a medium bowl, use a fork to mash the avocados to your desired consistency.
  2. Soak the onions: Mix the finely chopped onion with the salt and lime juice. Let it soak for a few minutes.
  3. Mix it: Mix the mashed avocados with the herbs and the onion-salt-lime soak. Adjust more salt and lime juice to taste. Set aside.

Salad Components:

  • 1 sweet mango, peeled and cut into bite-sized pieces
  • 1 cup chopped red cabbage
  • 3-4 large, green lettuce leaves
  • 1/2 cup alfalfa sprouts
  • A handful of fresh cilantro, roughly chopped

Assemble the Bowl:

  1. Layer the Greens: In a large bowl or individual serving bowls, start by laying a bed of lettuce leaves.
  2. Add Color: Assemble the chopped red cabbage, the alfalfa sprouts and the mangoes in colorful “sections” over the lettuce for a vibrant contrast. The sweet mango will complement the tangy guacamole.
  3. Add Dressing: Splash a bit of salad dressing over the greens and cabbage section of the bowl (spare the mango).
  4. Spoon the Guacamole: Dollop generous scoops of guacamole over the salad.

Serving Suggestions:

  • Dressing: This bowl is flavorful on its own, but you can add a salad dressing.
  • Crunchy Toppings: Add toasted nuts or seeds for a crunchy texture.
  • Extra chlorophyll: Add some microgreens or extra cilantro
  • Serve Immediately: This salad is best enjoyed fresh, as the avocado and mango can brown if left for too long.

Enjoy your “Guacamole Meets Mango Bowl” – a delightful mix of creamy, tangy, sweet, and crunchy flavors!


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  • Hello, I have binging on your articles and I am learning a lot. I have been following (imperfectly) a fruitarian/frugivorous diet for 2 and a half years and I couldn’t believe I had missed this website!
    I choose this article to write this comment as it’s the first one that shows up with the keyword “salt”. 🙂
    I learned a lot from the fruitarian community and Dr Robert Morse, who abhor the use of salt. I was wondering, in light of what I read on this website, whether it makes sense to have some salt or if it’s as bad as most fruitarians say. I can’t imagine humans having access to salt in the tropical rainforest, but then I wonder: where does our love for savory food come from?
    Humans love sweet food but also tasty/savoury food. I heard once that it serves us to detect leaves rich in minerals, and that salt simply short-circuits this natural mechanism.
    What is your opinion on salt?

    • Hi Alex, wow thank you so much for your encouraging comment. Google has reduced the viewability of the site to about 10% than it actually was… so much to shadow banning of independent truth diggers here, but also on Facebook.

      I think salt is definitely misused in modern food culture, we eat isolated NaCl. But naturally occurring salts are a mix of minerals. They occur in all cells, and yes plants are the best source of it. I think if we can get enough of it from plants, from fruits and tender leafy greens (which make up a huge component of the chimp diet) this is the best way! But if we don’t, then we need it from other sources. Chimps eat mineral-rich clay and ants, too. So yes, I totally agree that our craving for savory has its function! Animals, as well as people, can instinctively self-medicate with herbs, in the same way.

      I see the point of Dr. Morse, not to eat isolated salt, but we must make sure we get enough from the diet, which is hard to do! I personally add a bit of naturally occurring salt and clay to my diet. But if I lived in the tropics and had access to better food sources I’d might try to go without it for a while. I think the most important factor is fruit quality and diversity, as well as greens.

      Also, there are reports of people doing fine on salt-free, but there are also quite a few people who got into trouble by avoiding salt. Sorry for not having a straightforward answer. While the truth is simple, we unfortunately do live in a complex world because our natural habitat has been largely destroyed and manipulated – thus, we need survival strategies, which are highly individual for each situation.

      Also check out Don Bennett Health 101, he is a great researchers of the healthiest raw vegan diet, out there spreading the truth for decades and he has lots of important info. This is his fb group.

      I hope this helped anyway. By the way, I am a huge fan of Dr. Morse’s herbs, especially the anti-parasite ones and bloodroot. I do think his food suggestions are lifesaving and perfect for a detox period – but not for the long term. But he himself says that long-term, we should not eat only berries and melons.

      • Thank you for the great info! I never thought about using clay in my diet. I mix bentonite clay in my tooth powder mix, and I was aware that it can be ingested in small quantities without harm.
        I like your science based approach, which is why I was asking you about salt. I find myself craving savory things if I go a long time (months) without any salt, and I’ve always wondered if I was deficient in some nutrients. Your articles have made me aware that getting the right nutrients is of fundamental importance, and how our preferred food are tropical fruits. I noticed that sometimes in the fruitarian world people can become a little dogmatic with respect to some ideas; I needed a reality check.
        I had already found Don Bennet’s website through your website. I added to my diet barley grass juice powder for minerals and acerola / camu camu powder for vitamin C after reading your article. I am also getting guava leaf powder and some of the other greens you talk about.
        Thank you for the great work you are doing here! I will be sharing frugivorebiology.com every time someone asks about the way I eat. 🙂

        • Hey Alex, I think you for your valuable inputs and feedback!

          I noticed the dogmatic ways in some fruitarian communities, too. And I think it is very harmful to finding the truth and actually spreading important knowledge about fruit-based diets. On one side it can lead to people running into deficiencies, on the other hand, it makes fruit-based diets look ridiculous to outsiders or people that just start to search for truth in nutrition.

          This is the reason I try to keep this site dogma-free whenever I go and try to find answers. I do have my worldview, and I am certainly biased (we all are), but I try to consider all information, and I certainly do not have an agenda. I find that often, there are agents put into truth-finding groups and movements to mislead people. So now, we find people that turn their back on fruitarian or raw vegan, because they followed wrong information and their health started to decline. But on the other hand, you have people trying to recover from keto or carnivore etc. It is a big confusing information war and jungle out there. This is why I seek my answers in nature.

          I have recently started to integrate some anti-parasitic herbs because I find this is one big factor that is missing in raw vegan and fruit-based diets. It is probably necessary for everyone in this world, even if we eat clean. My favorite is Artemisia annua (not absinthium) because it is highly effective against most parasites and infections (including malaria) and it is selective. It does not damage the liver and has nearly no toxicity. It is even used long-term for cancers. So this might be interesting for you when you purchase greens and herbs. I plan to write about it, but lately I have been very busy, not much time to write.

          Thanks again and let’s keep in touch!

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Martina Spaeni Lima, MSc

"We are frugivores - specialized fruit-eaters!" It was passion at first sight when I came across the intriguing concept that humans are adapted to a high-fruit diet, similar to chimpanzees...

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